
Monday, July 15, 2013

I Don't Know What I Am Waiting On!!!!!

Waiting...ugg!!! They (whoever "they" is) say patience is a virtue, I say it is a virtue I do not have. Very few people are experts in waiting. Just go to any place with a line, whether it be a restaurant or a store, and you will hear people complain, mumble and grumble about the wait. The majority of these people know what they are in line for, therefore, they will stay until they get their product. But what if the people did not know what they were waiting for? Most of them would undoubtedly leave. The few remaining would stay out of curiosity.

What are we waiting for? When we do not know what we are waiting for, we do not see the value in waiting. How many times have we found ourselves saying, "I'm waiting on God?" But in reality, we do not know what we are waiting for. Perhaps we wait on getting the answer we want, or for things to go our way, or we wait on our own selves, our desires...not on the Lord.

We must learn to wait on GOD, not on a response.

Psalm 39.7
"And now, Lord, what wait I for? my hope is in thee."

This is much easier to say than to do! While God knows what is best, we do not know what He has for us, so we give up our waiting and end up missing the blessing of doing His will.

What do we do while we wait? We must focus on what we KNOW God wants us to do.

Micah 6.8
"He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"

We will find ourselves much more content in waiting on GOD (not on what we think is God's will) if we do for Him in the meantime.

One of my closest friends who has helped my spiritual walk said this:
"One day at a time. Enjoy serving Him day by day. Don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will worry about itself. Take one day at a time."

ENJOY serving our Saviour! There is joy in serving Jesus! The rest will come in time...just wait on God!

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