
Monday, July 15, 2013

I Don't Know What I Am Waiting On!!!!!

Waiting...ugg!!! They (whoever "they" is) say patience is a virtue, I say it is a virtue I do not have. Very few people are experts in waiting. Just go to any place with a line, whether it be a restaurant or a store, and you will hear people complain, mumble and grumble about the wait. The majority of these people know what they are in line for, therefore, they will stay until they get their product. But what if the people did not know what they were waiting for? Most of them would undoubtedly leave. The few remaining would stay out of curiosity.

What are we waiting for? When we do not know what we are waiting for, we do not see the value in waiting. How many times have we found ourselves saying, "I'm waiting on God?" But in reality, we do not know what we are waiting for. Perhaps we wait on getting the answer we want, or for things to go our way, or we wait on our own selves, our desires...not on the Lord.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Use Your Heart, Not Your Head

As children we have all heard it before, and as adults, Mom's saying continues to ring in our minds: "Honey, use your head!" She was and continues to be right. We could have avoided so many things if we would have just used our common sense.

But sometimes God calls us to do otherwise.

Proverbs 3.5
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."

We spend so much time and effort into studying God's Word and developing our knowledge of Christ. This is not wrong, but many times we neglect our hearts. God wants us to trust Him with our hearts, not our heads.

How many times have we told ourselves, "I shouldn't eat this" or "I shouldn't do this?"
Our reason can be correct, but it does nothing for us if we do not apply it.

Our knowledge of Christ is so very important and we should never cease to further develop it. But all our knowledge and reason do nothing for us if it stays in our heads. The Lord warns against leaning on our own understanding. When the Lord asks us to do something that seems unreasonable, do we refuse because of the lack of reason in it? How does our reason reason with the Lord?

He tells us, "I know it does not make sense, but that is why you must TRUST me!"
Trust God with your HEART!
Though knowledge and reason are important, let us not neglect our hearts' fellowship with the Father!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Weakness vs. Power

“Once someone gets used to something bad, he no longer hopes for something better.”

This statement was made about the poverty in India. People were refusing to have better things because they were comfortable with what they had. Even if these things would have made their life easier, healthier and better, they did not want it. They were used to their poverty and never hoped for anything better.

We have gotten so used to our poverty. By “poverty” I refer to our lack of strength, our weakness. We forget we can be strong. We forget we can have Christ’s power and live an abundant life.