
Monday, August 31, 2015

Tuned to God? or Tuned to Others?

When we tune an instrument, we are adjusting it to the correct pitch. But imagine that we tune it to another instrument that is off tune.  Just because they both have the same pitch and sound the same does not mean they are tuned properly. They are only tuned to each other. The instrument then becomes useless unless tuned properly and to the right pitch.

Applying this illustration to our lives as children of God: we become useless unless tuned properly and to the right Person.

In the general mindset of the world today, we must please everyone and be accepted by all. Everyone must agree on everything and this is how the world will run smoothly. Sadly, this mindset is not only in the unbeliever’s world, but it is also present between Christians, in our homes and in our churches. We like to tune ourselves to culture, to what is popular, to other people: Christians, pastors, evangelists, missionaries, choir directors, Sunday School teachers, etc. When we do this, we automatically shift the blame when we find ourselves in a predicament. We have stopped taking responsibility for our actions and we always find a way to justify.

When we live our lives with this mentality, we forget to tune our lives to Christ. Ephesians 5:1 tells us, “Be ye therefore followers of God.” We are so focused on doing good things, serving the Lord or having a spirit of unity with the brethren. Call it whatever you like, but the bottom line is that we forget the principle thing: BE what He wants us to be. God wants us to be a follower of Him and to be that follower we must know Him. Only then can we truly be tuned to Him. We are not responsible for what everyone else does. We are responsible for our actions and our personal relationship with Christ.

Please do not misunderstand. I am not saying that serving the Lord and getting along with others is wrong. I don’t think having spiritual role models or looking up to spiritual leaders is bad. I believe these are all Biblical. But I also believe that these things are wrong if we do not have Christ as our main priority. Our only concern should be to follow Him and please Him regardless of what others may say.

If we are tuned to Christ and really know Him and follow Him, we do not need anyone else’s approval or acceptance.

Colossians 3:23 –  “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A Damaging Purpose

When we use something for a purpose other than what it was created for, we run the risk of damaging it.

I am not very good at sports, but I like them. It can get intense, so I try to stay away from that competitive streak by just playing to have fun: no rules! Just enjoy! My friend and his dad play tennis and some years ago, I decided I wanted to learn. They took me out to the tennis court and I started to swing at the ball with my “racket”…my guitar.

Now, anyone that knows me knows that there is NO WAY ON THIS EARTH I would ever use my guitar as a tennis racket! It used to be my Grandpa’s. I am not very good at guitar, but I enjoy playing. It relaxes me! I like my guitar but it cannot be used for everything. It is possible to use it as a paddle, an umbrella and even a tennis racket but the wood and strings would be damaged and it would break. It was not created for those purposes. It was created to be played, to make music.

The world seeks purpose and reason to life. It is what keeps us going and pushing forward. We have a designated purpose. Are we ignoring it?

Colossians 1.16
For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

We are created by and for God. Our purpose is “for him.” When we use our lives for something that we were not created for, we bring damage to ourselves. We think we can put ourselves in the place of God and assign ourselves a purpose. But that purpose is ultimately damaging to our lives. God created us. How dare we tell our Creator that we know what is best? Our purpose is for God and He alone knows what is best for His creation. His perfect plan will not hurt us, only make us more like Him.

Dare we ignore our assigned purpose? Dare we take control and decided our own damaging purpose?