
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

This Generation

Psalm 71:18 - Now also when I am old and gray-headed, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to everyone that is to come.

This generation. What do you think of when you hear "this generation"?

I was speaking to a lady yesterday who spoke of teenagers and specifically, young ladies in "this generation." She spoke of how they were immodestly dressed, jumping from relationship to relationship, going to bars, seeming to have nothing to live for but themselves. "What an empty life!" she exclaimed. "It is all in vain!" All this comes from an unsaved woman. Knowing I am a Christian, she wistfully said, "Your lifestyle is so beautiful. It would be wonderful to have a life like yours, to have something to live for." This allowed me to share with her that only because of the grace of God I am not in the same place as those she spoke of.

Now I think...what am I doing to show God's strength to this generation? How much am I allowing Christ to shine through me? If I am not reflecting my Savior and Master, what am I here on earth for? How am I impacting this generation with the Gospel? If I am not...I have no reason to be here on earth.

"We are not saved to sit, we are saved to serve." That is something Dad always said. Are we sitting in our Christian life just watching, criticizing how others work and waiting for something to happen? or are we getting up and doing something to change the direction of this generation?

Pray the Psalm 71:18 prayer: "God, be with me! Do not forsake me until I have shown your strength and power to those around me. Help me to impact this generation with who You are!"